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Cardamom, Chocolate Swirl, and Matcha Swirl Cheesecake Bites

These Cheesecake Bites were super easy to make and taste absolutely divine. They are definitely indulgent, but when you eat them in mini-form, you don't feel so bad! My favorite part about them is, you can look at them as a palette and make each individual piece a flavor that is apt for your own taste.

I decided to make three different flavors over here, but I suggest getting as creative as you would like! I added cardamom to the first cheesecake, I swirled cocoa powder into the second cheesecake, and then matcha powder into the third.

Firstly, find your favorite cookies for the crust. In this instance, I decided to go with these Sweet and Salty Indian cookies to balance the sweetness of the cheesecake. Use a food processor to combine the cookies and break them down with a little melted butter, which will allow them to stick in the cupcake mold well!

Make the batter by combining cream cheese, sour cream, a little bit of heavy cream, sugar, vanilla extract, and a touch of corn starch (to hold the cheesecake together). And then you start the assembly!

You can honestly leave the cheesecake as is and go with plain and classic! However, if you want to add some flavors in, keep some of the plain batter reserved on the side so you can combine it with whatever powders or spices you want before swirling it back in!

I was really in the mood for everything the night I baked these, so I thought why not just for it! But it's easy enough to do this and it's worth having the variety right at your fingertips.

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